

Podiatry located in Columbus, GA


Podiatry can help prevent foot and ankle problems ranging from sports injuries, fractures, and structural abnormalities to hammertoe, bunions, and athlete’s foot. Expert podiatrist John Schoppe, DPM, delivers exceptional podiatry services and care from the office in Columbus, Georgia. Dr. Schoppe is an experienced podiatrist and podiatric surgeon whose patients trust him to care for all their family members. Call Advanced Ankle and Foot Center for world-class podiatry services and to schedule a visit. Or request an appointment online today.

Podiatry Q&A

What is podiatry?

Podiatry is a branch of medicine and medical specialty devoted to studying, diagnosing, and treating foot and ankle disorders.


What problems does podiatry treat?

Podiatry treats many foot and ankle problems and conditions. These include:

Athlete’s foot 

Athlete’s foot is a widespread fungal infection that commonly appears between the toes. Fungi breed readily in damp and warm environments. Keeping the feet dry and clean is essential.


Ankle sprains 

Sprains happen when the ankle ligaments stretch severely or tear. They can be caused by sports injuries or other injury.

Ankle sprains are very common — more than three million people in the United States sprain their ankles yearly.


Heel spurs 

Heel spurs are bony protrusions that can become very painful.



Bunions are bone abnormalities at the base of the big toe. This steadily worsening condition can be excruciating, making walking, running, and jumping difficult.



A bend of the middle toe joints marks this condition. Often flexible at first, hammertoe can become rigid without treatment.


Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is the tissue in the foot used during foot movement and walking. It can cause intense heel pain and make walking very difficult.


Calluses and corns

These refer to layers of hard skin caused by ongoing friction. Calluses and corns usually affect weight-bearing areas or parts of the feet that rub against the insides of shoes.


Diabetic Foot

Diabetes is a long-term illness that affects many bodily systems, especially the feet. Advanced Ankle and Foot Center provides specialized diabetic foot care for patients.

Restricted blood circulation and numbness from nerve damage make patients vulnerable to diabetic foot ulcers (open wounds) on the toes and feet.

Dr. Schoppe also diagnoses and treats plantar warts, ingrown toenails, and fungal toenails at Advanced Ankle and Foot Center.


What are some treatments podiatry offers? 

Podiatry treatments include:

  • Avoiding painful activities
  • Rest
  • Icing
  • Strapping
  • Splints
  • Braces
  • Physical therapy
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs)
  • Taping
  • Footwear changes
  • Custom-fitted orthotics (shoe inserts)
  • Steroid injections
  • Wound care
  • Pediatric foot care

Some patients require surgery for misaligned fractures and to reconstruct or refuse the bones. Dr. Schoppe is a podiatry and podiatric surgery expert. He can surgically rebuild and repair torn tendons and ligaments.


Call Advanced Ankle and Foot Center to schedule a visit. Or request an appointment online at your convenience and ease.