
Pediatric Foot Care

Podiatry located in Columbus, GA

Pediatric Foot Care

Children, adolescents, and teenagers have unique foot and ankle care needs. Expert podiatrist John Schoppe, DPM, has many years of experience in podo-pediatrics and can help keep your child active and healthy. Too often, pediatric foot conditions go undiagnosed until adulthood and can become more complex to treat. If your child experiences pain while walking, running, or jumping or has an abnormal gait, call Advanced Ankle and Foot Center in Columbus, Georgia, to schedule a consultation. Or request an appointment online, which is fast and easy.

Pediatric Foot Care Q&A

Is pediatric foot care necessary?

Foot issues in children can cause problems with how they run and walk, such as gait disorders, and can impair the alignment of the child's entire skeleton, causing poor posture and discomfort as they age and grow.


What are some conditions that pediatric foot care treats?

Pediatric foot care encompasses specific concerns and conditions unique to children, pre-teens, and teenagers, such as:

Pediatric flatfoot 

A partial or total collapse of the arch, pediatric flatfoot can be apparent at birth. Or it might show up years later.

When pediatric flatfoot causes symptoms, treatment is required. Customized treatment plans include a combination of anti-inflammatory drugs, orthotic devices, shoe modifications, and physical therapy.



Toeing refers to conditions where a child’s feet point inward or outward instead of straight ahead when they walk. In-toeing, commonly called pigeon toes, is far more common than out-toeing.

While these conditions often correct on their own, it would be good to consult a podiatrist if your child’s walking doesn’t improve by kindergarten age, if they’re limping, or if they’re experiencing pain.


Toe walking

Toe walking is when a child walks on the balls of their feet with no contact between their heels and the ground. Although toe walking is quite common in children learning to walk, it’s usually outgrown by age two.

In rare cases, toe walking after age two might be a sign of an underlying medical condition. It’s recommended to schedule a podo-pediatric evaluation with your child’s podiatrist if toe walking is continuous.


Foot and leg pain

It’s not normal for children to experience lower limb or foot pain. Any pain that lasts more than a few days or is severe enough to limit a child’s walking should be assessed by a podiatrist right away.


When should my child see a podiatrist for pediatric foot care?

If your child complains of discomfort, soreness, tenderness, or pain in their feet, ankles, or legs, this can be the first sign of a foot problem.

Pediatric foot conditions often go undiagnosed until adulthood, when they can become more complex to treat. Still, many pediatric foot issues can be quickly and painlessly addressed when identified early on.


If your child experiences pain while walking, running, and jumping and exhibits an abnormal gait pattern, call Advanced Ankle and Foot Center for an evaluation. Or request an appointment online, which is quick and convenient.